Integrate BBClone in Typo3
I'd simply modified the index.php auf Typo3.
Append something like this and adopt the variables
// ******************
// include TSFE
// ******************
require (PATH_tslib.'index_ts.php');
//Inserted for BBClone
$page = explode('/',$GLOBALS['TSFE']->siteScript);
$page = $page[count($page)-1];
$page = explode('.',$page);
$page = $page[0];
$page = explode('?',$page);
$page = $page[0];
if ($page =="") $page="yourdomain.tld";
define("_BBCLONE_DIR", "bbclone/");
define("COUNTER", _BBCLONE_DIR."mark_page.php");
if (is_readable(COUNTER)) include_once(COUNTER);
If you will update Typo3 you have to insert this modification again!
Append something like this and adopt the variables
// ******************
// include TSFE
// ******************
require (PATH_tslib.'index_ts.php');
//Inserted for BBClone
$page = explode('/',$GLOBALS['TSFE']->siteScript);
$page = $page[count($page)-1];
$page = explode('.',$page);
$page = $page[0];
$page = explode('?',$page);
$page = $page[0];
if ($page =="") $page="yourdomain.tld";
define("_BBCLONE_DIR", "bbclone/");
define("COUNTER", _BBCLONE_DIR."mark_page.php");
if (is_readable(COUNTER)) include_once(COUNTER);
If you will update Typo3 you have to insert this modification again!